with the effervescent Salty Hearts! Relax in the cosy environs of the Otaki Golf Clubhouse while our Cattlestops reunion series licks off with a couple of sets punctuated by a slap-up dinner and accompanying set by Otaki’s own Salty Hearts. Call Anje to book your table on 0212125440 or email gregandanje@xtra.co.nz. The Cattlestops story: Originally formed on the… Read More »
with the new kid on piano. Pretty Girl, Aunty Alice, Life begins at 40, etc etc and my personal favourite Grandad’s Piano.
Wayne, Rob & Andrew arguing up a storm and taking the Michael. Also some songs and stories with humour, poignancy and pathos. Tickets less than $30.00 (what?????) at Eventfinda here.
Three musketeers with new songs, stories and psychological issues. Tickets here at Eventfinda
Ridiculously popular and infectious nostalgia from these ’70s legends who had five #1 singles…Pretty Girl, Everyone Knows, Life Begins at 40, Miss September, Aunty Alice. Three original members and a handful of us young guns. Click here to book.
What mysteries will unfold this year, with songs from Wayne Mason, Andrew London, Rob Joass and our newest and funkiest chief, Charlotte Yates? Come on a voyage of discovery with the four of us! Call Steve on 0273682367
Songs I wrote when I was confused, mostly about being in the music business. Weddings, wallpaper, neighbours, supermarkets all figure.
Guest appearance but all SOLD OUT
Let’s get a bit classy – just for an hour over lunch. Details about the ‘Punch Over Lunch’ series here.
New songs & stories from the road. never been here before? here’s your chance – iconic venue on the top of Mt Victoria. Special guest Mark Hobson (sax) and Kirsten has been requested to play some Peggy Lee!