Tag Archives: kiwiana

Andrew & Kirsten at Balcairn Hall!

The Mainland at last! Come hear what we’ve been up to – new songs and stories about Neighbours, supermarket shopping, Spotify and bludger musicians. Click here for details Click here for tickets!  

Andrew London Duo at Playhouse Theatre Nelson!

The Mainland at last! Come hear what we’ve been up to – new songs and stories about Neighbours, supermarket shopping, Spotify and bludger musicians. Call Nic to book for dinner & a show! Dinner from 6.00pm, show starts 7.30ish…Ph 03-540-2985 or: Email: theplayhousecafenz@gmail.com  

Hogsnort Bulldogs Goodtime Show in Napier

at the fabulous MTG Century Theatre. K and I will open the show with some frivolity, upon which HBGB will raise the roof with their massive hits (Pretty Girl, Miss September, Aunty Alice, Life Begins at 40 etc) and I will try to keep up on piano. Book here at Eventfinda.co.nz

Too Many Chiefs at Vogelmorn Upstairs

Central Wellington, Upstairs at the Vogelmorn Bowling Club! Rob, Wayne, Charlotte and I play original songs while laughing at ourselves. Wayne attacks piano, Rob and I alternate between 4 and 6 strings, Charlotte sings magnificent songs and plays her new-old Maton guitar. I envy the fact that all three of them have them now. FOMO is strong. Come… Read More »