Andrew London Duo at Dunedin Folk Club

Opoho Bowling Club Lovelock Ave, Dunedin, New Zealand

stories and songs of confusion and woe, in a swing/jazz/blues/folk style. Andrew London vents, Kirsten London consoles and prompts lyrics. Two Hofner guitars come out on top.

Andrew solo at Dockside

Dockside Restaurant Shed 3, Queens Wharf, Wellington, New Zealand

Sunday lounging with Mr Loopy the loop pedal

Andrew London Trio at Days Bay Pavilion

The Pavilion - Eastbourne 611b Marine Drive, Days Bay, Wellington, Eastbourne, New Zealand

with Wayney the Waynster wayning on Wayne's piano

Whakaipo Lodge Summer Concert – The Silver Hammers play The Beatles!

Whakaipo Lodge 1/504 Mapara Road, Acacia Bay, RD5, Taupo

The Silver Hammers are a five-piece band assembled to scratch an itch – to do shows consisting entirely of Beatles songs. Local Kapiti musicians were sought including drummer Anje Glindemann, keyboard player Wayne Mason, whose band The Fourmyula were actually recording at Abbey Road in 1969 in studio 1 while McCartney was finishing off 'Oh Darling!' in Studio… Read More »


Andrew & Kirsten at Whirinaki Upper Hutt for ‘Late Nite Sound Bite’

Whirinaki Whare Taonga 836 Ferguson Drive, Upper Hutt, Wellington, New Zealand

Intimate concert in the foyer of Whirinaki Whare Taonga - Expressions Theatre.  'Late Nite Sound Bites' Hey great food available here - make a dinner date! We'll be there! Entry by koha.


Andrew & Kirsten Te Horo House Concert with Jeremy & Jen

Our current favourite originals with one or two new ones - with a short opening set from our mates Jeremy Fleming and Jen Hathaway. This gig is at Jen's wonderful 'Shed 28' venue - plenty of seating. Drop me a line if you'd like to come and I'll tell you the actual address in and what to bring.… Read More »


Retro Pack Trio at Cable Top, Kelburn

Cable Top Eatery 1 Upland Rd Kelburn, Wellington, Wellington

Standards with the fabulous April Phillips - lots of fun singing three-part harmonies on 19303 and 40s tunes, great food and a friendly vibe from Di and her cool staff. And the view is spectacular.

Andrew London Duo with Fiona Pears at Kapiti Playhouse – SOLD OUT

Kapiti Playhouse 7 Ruahine Street, Paraparaumu, Kapiti, New Zealand

Scintillating swing and subversive satire with New Zealand's top jazz violinist Fiona Pears, home after World Tours with Hayley Western, playing jazz clubs in Europe, and recording her own compositions with orchestras in Liverpool and Prague.
