Hogsnort Bulldogs at Upper Hutt Cozzie Club
Hogsnort Bulldogs at Upper Hutt Cozzie Club
All the hits from yester-yester-year including Miss September, Aunty Alice, Pretty Girl, Life Begins at 80 etc. Andrew plays piano and carries most of the gear.
All the hits from yester-yester-year including Miss September, Aunty Alice, Pretty Girl, Life Begins at 80 etc. Andrew plays piano and carries most of the gear.
All the hits from yester-yester-year including Miss September, Aunty Alice, Pretty Girl, Life Begins at 80 etc. Andrew plays piano and carries most of the gear.
Andrew & Kirsten ransack the archives for the good ones, and introduce some new autobiographical material. Gilbert & Sullivan meet Willie Nelson. Call Steve on 0273682367 or just turn up with $30.00 CASH - there is EFTPOS at the bar however which covers the really important stuff.
All the hits from yester-yester-year including Miss September, Aunty Alice, Pretty Girl, Life Begins at 80 etc. Andrew plays piano and carries most of the gear.
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