A spectacular variety benefit show bursting with music, comedy and love! Featuring Jennifer Ward-Leland, Dame Kate Harcourt, April Phillips, James Cameron, Andrew London, Phil Darkins, The Beat Girls, Gregg Crayford, Pinky Agnew.
Haven’t been here for ages! JTJ joins us for multi-instrumental mischief.
Kirsten and I trying some new songs…..
Kirsten & I trying out some new songs from our soon-to-be-released album.
Little Duo concert – possibly in the new Hall? Contact Rosie Holmes.
with Andrew London Duo, Legal Tender and guest Wayne Mason. …watch this space. bring a picnic, a rug, a bean bag or folding chair and even a caravan or motor home ($5.00 overnight), pre-order a wood-fired pizza. Tickets $30 on Eventfinder. Please no guns or horses.
Spring springs into Eastbourne with Tuatara beer and a pizza. Who will join us I wonder?
with Kirsten and Wayne Mason. Hoorah! $55 with fabulous meal.
New Plymouth’s coolest little theatre with chiefs in it. Details TBC but you can always call Raewyn on 0800-484-925
Chiefs will give a patchy performance. Lovely venue – worth driving to Thames for. Email Peter for details.