Andrew London, April Phillips, James Cameron, Oscar Laven and Greg Crayford. The Retro Pack pay tribute to Broadway’s brightest lights. The famed avenue has been home to some of the most talented and sophisticated composers, many with jazz-oriented roots. Harold Arlen, Jerome Kern and Irving Berlin are three of the most significant theatrical composers of the early 20th… Read More »
Andrew London, April Phillips, James Cameron, Oscar Laven and Greg Crayford. The Retro Pack pay tribute to Broadway’s brightest lights. The famed avenue has been home to some of the most talented and sophisticated composers, many with jazz-oriented roots. Harold Arlen, Jerome Kern and Irving Berlin are three of the most significant theatrical composers of the early 20th… Read More »
Andrew London, April Phillips, James Cameron, Oscar Laven and Greg Crayford. The Retro Pack pay tribute to Broadway’s brightest lights. The famed avenue has been home to some of the most talented and sophisticated composers, many with jazz-oriented roots. Harold Arlen, Jerome Kern and Irving Berlin are three of the most significant theatrical composers of the early 20th… Read More »
Andrew London, April Phillips, James Cameron, Oscar Laven and Greg Crayford. The Retro Pack pay tribute to Broadway’s brightest lights. The famed avenue has been home to some of the most talented and sophisticated composers, many with jazz-oriented roots. Harold Arlen, Jerome Kern and Irving Berlin are three of the most significant theatrical composers of the early 20th… Read More »
Andrew London, April Phillips, James Cameron, Oscar Laven and Greg Crayford. The Retro Pack pay tribute to Broadway’s brightest lights. The famed avenue has been home to some of the most talented and sophisticated composers, many with jazz-oriented roots. Harold Arlen, Jerome Kern and Irving Berlin are three of the most significant theatrical composers of the early 20th… Read More »
Old & new standards and original songs.
country, jazz, swing & folk standards and originals
Haven’t been here for ages! JTJ joins us for multi-instrumental mischief.
Part of the Welly Jazz Fest. K and I joined by Wayney!!!!!!